
Tuesday 31 December 2019

Out on a good note

We ended 2019 on a really positive note on 29th December at another of our favourite farms in South Staffs, with a thermal imaging session.
Things got off to a poor start with very little seen in the first two fields--but things got better and we ended up with 12 new birds ringed--the most significant being 2 Woodcock. Jen continues to improve her netting skills--well done.
These are really smart birds and returns from conventional ringing ( mostly of birds that have been shot for food) suggest that some of these birds come from as far away as western Russia--to supplement those birds which breed here.
As you can see they are a chunky handful with very strong wings. They typically feed in damp fields at night and spend their days on woodland floors especially those covered in dead leaves so they blend in and become virtually invisible.
The previous picture shows how high on the head their eyes are and this tries to show that even from behind we can see their eyes---meaning they have 360 degree vision without turning their heads. This is a great adaptation for spotting potential predators--but sadly not much use if being shot at with a shotgun.
Things get off to a start in the New Year with a trainings session at one of the  Belvide feeding stations in the morning--news of that will follow.
HAPPY NEW YEAR to all our readers.

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